Entry and Delivery times are the same as the Open Sections.
ENTRY FEE: $0.00 Each work must be the original work of the exhibitor alone, without the use of computer or other electronic device and have been completed within the last 24 months and must not have been entered in a previous Royal Bathurst Show. Open to art exhibits not specifically covered elsewhere
HEAD STEWARD: Beatrice Elbourne :0409 718 760 Natasha Noonan: 0403 667 243
PRIZES: 1st Card, 2nd Card, 3rd Card. Highly Commended Cards. Champion and Most Successful ribbons. If any prize vouchers are awarded, these must be collected from the Head Steward.
Artworks on paper attached to cardboard and not framed. Exhibits must not exceed 30cm x 21cm (A4 Size)